Sunday, October 20, 2013

Television of the 70s

I personally did not enjoy the television of the 70s that much. I believe the show that we watched that represented the conservative and liberal viewpoints highlighted both of them nicely, but a line was crossed. The television show that we watched focused too much on racial jokes and I did not find them funny at all. I believe there was a different type of humor during that time that people would not find funny now. I also believe that our humor would probably make the people of the 70s feel uncomfortable also. I did not enjoy the television shows because they focused too much on a sense of humor that just did not appeal to me. Overall the television of the era to me was mediocre, I wish that the jokes were a little more on a cleaner side regarding race because it is an extremely sensitive topic and the show we watched made some below the belt punch lines regarding them.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's interesting that the humor in sit-coms of the time was much more socio-political, and not so much sex jokes, and now we've flip-flopped to fart humor and not the socio-political. Any thoughts about why that switch was made? What about the other shows? Is there one that you think represents the 70s best?
